
RUFC – Moore ‘Vital we are disciplined tomorrow’

Image for RUFC – Moore ‘Vital we are disciplined tomorrow’

Rotherham United Manager, Ronnie Moore is getting ready to play Stevenage tomorrow at Don Valley, who are a club new to the Football League this season.

‘Stevenage are used to winning,’ Moore told MillersPlayer, ‘and they are a good strong side. They’ve come into this division and shown no fear.

‘A lot of their play is direct and they are very, very inventive on set plays and if we give too many of them away we are going to be in big trouble. They’ve got five lads who are between six feet one and six feet three and their movement is good, so we’ve got to be bright, and alive and alert in and around our area on set plays. Our supporters will see one or two things they haven’t seen before when they see their corners and free kicks.

‘The only thing they’ve not got is a long throw but they’ve got everything else and I’ve said to our lads that it’s vital that we are disciplined and we are probably going to have to zonal mark, which I don’t like because it could leave you flat footed and for dead.

‘The best thing for us is to keep the ball and pass it and don’t give it away by giving stupid fouls and free kicks.’

If the Millers win tomorrow then it’s possible that, come five o’clock they could be top of the league with Moore saying, ‘But it doesn’t really mean anything at this stage unless we can do what Rochdale did last year when they were top of the league and got the points in the bag which means to get as many points as you can get and as soon as you can get them. Then, when the rough times come, which they will our aim is to already have those points in the bag. It would be nice to be the Champions but the aim of the club is to get into the First Division.’

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