Will You Buy The Third Kit?

Last week Rotherham United unveiled their third new kit of the season and it’s fair to say it’s divided the fans.

Modelled by the Millers’ back-flip specialist Will Vaulks, (Click Here to have a look on the Official Site), the kit is manufactured by Puma, as are the red and white first kit and the blue and darker blue second kit.

This yellow and blue (which I have been informed by a dressmaker is a cross between cerulean and Columbia blue) creation is not unlike something we wore in the mid-eighties and, to be honest, I’m not sure if that’s where it still belongs.

The first remarks I’ve seen on social media was ‘it looks like a refresher bar’. They aren’t wrong are they! Personally I think it looks like someone has had the idea of getting a couple of our last kits that didn’t sell too well, undoing them and stitching them together to save money.

I asked on our Facebook page about it with Bill Atkins’ saying his lad would like one and Josh Yeardley also saying he’ll be buying it while Andy Brobyn’s comment was ‘it’s horrible’.

I showed it to friends and one said he’d think about buying it while another asked if Stevie Wonder had had a hand in the design.

Now of course I understand we have to have sponsors and they will want their name emblazoned across the shirt but I do think it would look better without the bright orange Mears logo in the centre of it all – to be different might we have had it at the bottom of the shirt, would that have made it look any better?

One thing is for sure, I doubt there will be another team in the Championship with these colours!

This kit isn’t for me but saying that it might look better on a whole team of players and it certainly is refreshing! I rather suspect this will be the one that the club shop will be ‘selling off’ in January.

Will you be buying it?

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